Wednesday 11 January 2017

Inuit Hunting

We read and discussed our first story during our library learning commons time. From each story we read we are trying to learn:

  • Why are stories important to indigenous people?
  • Why do Elders play an important part in the lives of First Peoples?
  • What values were significant for local First Peoples?

After reading the story we experimented with retelling some of what we learned from the story with a program called Adobe Spark Video.  This is what we were able to come up with on our first try. We hope to get better as time goes on.

What we did before we started this project

We thought our readers might be interested in a project we worked on just before reading about the First Peoples of Canada. All of our posts after this one will only be about our reading about the First Peoples of Canada project.

We created a video to promote the nonfiction section of the library.  The students chose books that they felt most people in their class would like and that was at their reading level. Students videoed each other using iPads and all the videos were combined using a program called Adobe Spark Video. We hope to use this video tool in our Reading About the First Peoples project. We hope that this video advertisement about the Nonfiction section of our library will encourage other students to explore the nonfiction section in our library.

As a class we brainstormed what we did well and what we could do better next time. This is what we came up with:

  • we used a good variety of books in our video
  • we learned a lot about the nonfiction section of the library
  • students should make themselves more familiar with their books before making their presentation
  • we need to stand closer to those presenting so the sound is better
  • we should speak louder and more clearly
  • presenters should stay in their spot until the video camera is turned off
  • presenters should stand up straight and not move too much during their presentation
  • zooming in on a book can be useful
  • we need to reduce the background noise while recording by only have presenters talking and spreading our groups out to quieter places in the school
  • presenters should make sure they cover all the important points in their presentation (book title, what the book is about, why other students would like it, favorite page in the book,what section of the library the book is in).